Saturday, August 05, 2006

The No-History-Perpetual-Media Times

An interesting thing is happening. Almost everything virtual and accessible is floating around in this new cyber dimension that not only co-exists with our physical plane but is also becoming one with it in a relative stew of digital puzzle pieces.

History has the potential to no longer be history. What happened yesterday can be experienced today. Just go to, etc. The past is today and today is tomorrow and you get the point. Some people like to ask- but, what about something new? You know the whole post-modern dilemma- if everything has been done before whats the point or is it just lack of imagination? Well, listeners- maybe its the post-post-post-modern times. We just exist in a forever sea of living information. Take what you will. Its all becoming virtually-pseudo free. The positive speculative outlook? Potent real-time conversations with yourself and the globe. And the cost? E-waste villages and biomagnification.

AMH 08/05/06


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