To those of you that may have read the write-up on us in weshotjr this week:
Just to clear the air, I want to make our purposes very clear.
First: we, in no way, intend to fuse noise into the pop culture framework, we understand that this would never work for a myriad of reasons.
Second: and this is more theoretical: imagine a photograph (huge picture 100'X100' or so) cut that picture up into four pieces, then cut it up into smaller pieces, rearrange it, then cut it up again. The picture is sound, there is a framework, a spectrum, only so much to work with, but it can be juxtaposed in a million and one different positions. Creating your own collage is just that, searching for sounds THAT YOU have never heard, it has nothing to do with established boundaries, just different combinations, erase the binary.
Third: if its not on the radio, if its not across the street, if its not in your head 24 seven when you don't want it to be, then leave it alone, why hate it? Agitation of this kind is completely pointless, it will do you no good.
Fourth: our mission statement is simple, we just want to foster a community, no matter how small, that likes to take their ears to new places. If we can utilize the technological tools at our disposal to spread the resulting seeds over the eschewed geography of our boundary free world, we will do so, if we can pay our bills at the same time: even better.
thanks, and come out tonight, it will be fun!
-JWM 08/18/06